Quick Important Note:
The Exploration of self is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, or therapy. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition. Never disregard professional, psychological or medical advice nor delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have seen or heard in The Exploration of Self community or on the podcast.
Here you can find each released episode's resources for the topics discussed. As always, please feel free to send additional resources that have impacted you so it can be added to the list! Hope these are beneficial to your development.
Episode 0 Welcome to the Exploration of Self:
Episode 1 Insecurity:
Main points from the episode:
- Your confidence in something doesn’t have to be the only indicator you can do it. Be willing to do things afraid.
- Challenge your self-doubt with objective evidence of who you really are, what you have to offer, fuel that with self-compassion, and an understanding of your goals. Don’t just accept the first thoughts that come to mind, be willing to challenge it with positive things you know about yourself. Get in the practice of knowing positive things about yourself, write them down or put them in your phone. Make sure they are with you. Develop a pattern of self-compassion and be kind to yourself.
- Be careful of the expectations we place on ourselves when we’re only assuming someone else’s opinion of us. It is always going to be important to get in the practice of detaching value from the opinion of others in regards to something we know we are insecure about or that might cause us anxiety.
- We can notice others' appearance or success and even admire them, but we don’t have to embrace them as the expectation we have for ourselves. Determine your own goals, congratulate others who reach theirs, but don’t diminish your progress because of a comparison you’re making between yourself and someone else.
- These things don’t happen overnight. Growth is a process but a willingness to communicate allows you to create an avenue to develop. Shutting down shuts you down, shuts the connection to others down, and shuts down your opportunity to grow.
Articles on insecurity
Articles on how to stop comparing yourself to others
Books to help with insecurity
Everything Isn't Terrible: Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety, and Finally Calm Down https://a.co/d/4CzYTzn
Sabotage: How Insecurity Destroys Everything https://a.co/d/cCsCQps
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine: A Novel https://a.co/d/8qpso8J
They F*** You Up Revised and Updated Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ISKMBC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_0V31VGFBA3K0RBABACBE
Articles & research on self compassion
Article on how to end relationship insecurity
Episode 2 Vulnerability:
Ted Talk by Brene Brown on Vulnerability
Articles on vulnerability
Episode 4 Communication
Tips on how to be an active listener
- Remove as many distractions as possible. If the TV is on, turn it off or mute it.
- Turn your phone on silent and turn it over so you don’t see it light up
- Try not to think about much else other than what the person is sharing with you
- If you’re curious, see if there is a moment to ask a question. Stay engaged.
- Give them short verbal affirmations like, “okay” “oh sure” “tell me more about that”
- Be willing to let go of what you want to say just to keep up with fully hearing them first.
- Don’t interrupt them with your own story, let them finish, and when they finish, check in, ask questions about how they feel regarding what they shared.
- Think about your posture and body language. If you’re able, try to make sure your body is facing them, lean in, give them a confirming word, keep eye contact. If you are in a social setting, try to engage with them in a way that makes them feel as though they are the only person in the room.
How to be an active listener article from Very Well Mind
Questions to ask yourself regarding communication
- How would you define and describe effective good communication? What does it entail?
- What are some of the challenges you have experienced with communication?
- How is your body language during communication? Do you think it is communicating your interest in that person?
- How important would you say communication is to you? Does that importance come through when you communicate?
- What are some of your communication pet peeves?
- How would you rate yourself as a communicator? Where are you strong and where could you use more work?
Additional resources on communication
Further understanding communication
How to be more effective at communicating
Episode 5 Introspection
87 Self-Refection Questions
Article on how to be more introspective
Episode 7 Perception
Really interesting article about how perception influences so many things.
What is self perception?
Positive Self-Perception
How your perception is your reality
Seeing yourself as others see you